Xmast - LMS vs CMS

ch 1: BASIC CONCEPT (2) today is a holiday...im so boring..lay on my bed, watching cd, eating, day-dreaming, whatsoever..so better i update my entry here while doing nothing. Continue to our topic.... before that, here is the tutorial we do in our class. ( contact me if u want the answer ) Arranging Proper Steps in Constructing a Web Site: download In this entry, i will discuss about what is LMS? CMS? LMS stands for Learning Management System . while CMS stands for Content Management System. LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM what i understand between these 2 terms is LMS is for the educational purpose such as E-Learning. Students can interact each other, download notes, participate in forum. Lecturer can upload resources, edit, add function, view students etc. usually the IPT used moodle ( Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ) as their template for E-Learning because it is free and open source program. There are so many templates and languages available to be downloaded in ...