My 1st Entry - Basic Concept


Last week we discussed about the course outline and the assignments for MPT1393 subject. seems like this subject is quite tough..
although i have already taken the Authoring System subject..but this subject is totally different from what I've learned before in MPT's all about how to develop a multimedia system using the certain techniques to make sure the system can run smoothly and effectively..
today class, i'll learn the basic concept of what i've got when do some research on this topic;

  • Web is a multimedia interface. Widely used service on the internet, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents.

  • A web site is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed with a common domain name or IP address in an Internet Protocol-based network. A web site is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network.

  • A web page is an electronic document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A web page may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors.

  • A web server is a computer that delivers requested web pages to your computer.

  • Web browser is a application software that allows users to access and view web pages. For e.g Mozilla Firefox,IE, Netscape, Opera and Safari.

Figure 1: Mozilla Firefox

Figure 2: Internet Explorer 8

Figure 3: Netscape

Figure 4: Opera

Figure 5: Safari
*click image to enlarge the size

  • Home page refers to the first page that a web site display. For an example, UTM home page as below:

Figure 6: UTM Homepage

  • Web address is the unique address for web page which is called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or Web address. Figure below shown the URL of a web page:
Figure 7: Example of URL

Examples of subscription sites include many business sites, parts of many news sites, academic journal sites, gaming sites, message boards, web-based e-mail, services, social networking websites, and sites providing real-time stock market data.

Resource: wikipedia, O’Leary, Timothy J, and Linda I. O’Leary (2008) Computing Essentials 2008: Complete Edition. Boston: McGraw Hill.

Now u know the differences between all the web terms. The most popular sites nowadays is social networking site, for e.g facebook (the must-visited-website-everyday), friendster (no update there for a long2 time, bersawang dah...), myspace (i dont have one), hi5 (i think i ever create one but what is my username & pssword huh? already forgotten=P) and many more.

Another site that got many attention from the user is the
blog. When talk about blog, i bet everyone in our class already have their own blog, rite?=)
but what is the blog? blogger? blogging? hehe...

From wiki,
blog is a one type of site which
usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. it is more like a personal online diaries. The most common free blog hosting is like what i use now, it is free and user-friendly site. all u need to do is just to create a google account and after that, everyone can be a blogger..=) it is easy as everything in your fingertips...

the other example of free blog hosting is
wordpress. i dont know much about this site since i never use one. so, i can't compare both. but here what i've got from my

Blogger vs. Comparison Chart - 2009

the content is too long, so i just make a hyperlink to that site so that u can refer it if u want. but it just compared these 2 sites roughly from a person. u as a user know it better, what blog hosting that u prefer. every blog has their own pros and cons, rite?=)

example of blog sites:




Now i go to the another example of sites which is
Portal. Did u ever heard this term before?
from what i know, portal is a type of site that
provide services and resources such as e-mail, search engines, information etc. for e.g Yahoo, Google, Lycos, AOL.

Figure: Lycos Homepage

UTM website is also a type of portal. it gives a lot of information for students, staff and other visitors. Educational portal is helpful for students to know the important learning resources in schools/universities.

There is a paper on educational portal, entitled "
Developing Education Portal for ELearning" by Mohd. Sapiyan Baba & Saranjeet Kaur from University of Malaya. It says that education portals, as knowledge portals, refer to portals that provide educational services to their users. Their studies is about the most visited educational portal and the problem and limitation of that portal. From the statement of problem, they come out with a new prototype of a networking educational portal called EduPortal. this paper only focused on the secondary school but its content are useful for us in order to understand more about educational portal.

everything that we discussed just now is what we saw and use everyday in the internet. Web site, web page, home page, blog, portal. so, it is easy to understand what the meaning of all that terms when giving some related examples.

i think i will stop here for now...will cont later...see u guys on next monday....^________^


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